Written by Kelly Ackley, Executive Director
August 17, 2023
Lassen County 4-H Free Open House! Tuesday, August 22nd from 4:30pm to 6:00pm at Tractor Supply in Susanville, CA. A Free come and go event! Come learn about 4H! You will have the opportunity to meet 4-H members and volunteer adult leaders and see what our 4-H program has to offer you! Members from eight clubs will be exhibiting projects, answering your questions, and serving root beer floats! OPEN ENROLLMENT – Friday, September 1st through Sunday, November 15th. 4-H Age: 5 to 18 years old. For more information, contact the 4-H office at 707 Nevada St., Susanville, or call (530) 251-8285.
Make plans to join Lassen Municipal Utility District, Thursday, September 7th from 11:30am to 1:00pm at 50 N. Gay (Corner of Main and Gay St.), for their annual, Customer Appreciation Celebration! The first 50 customers will receive an emergency, hand-crank, solar-powered radio! 1/4 lb, all-beef hotdogs, cold drinks, chips and desserts! Enter to win a $100, Energy Gift Card! For more information call (530) 257-4174.
Lassen County Sheriff’s Office is participating in this year’s Walk Out of the Darkness, suicide awareness walk, with a Sheriff's Office Team. Join us Saturday, September 9th, 9:00am at Memorial Park. Individuals who raise $150+ Earn an Event T-Shirt and Teams that raise $500 or more earn a Team Banner to Carry During the Walk. Please click the link to donate to our team and this important cause, https://supporting.afsp.org/index.cfm!
Are you ready for a grave adventure? Lassen Gravel Adventure Ride. Saturday, September 9, 2023 in Susanville, CA. 97% Gravel! 94 Mile! 63 Mile! 40 Mile! Register here: https://www.bikereg.com/57937.
Diamond Mountain Casino presents Pure Combat High Desert Brawl 16 on Saturday, September 9, 2023. Doors open at 6pm, Fights start at 7pm. All Ages Welcome. For more information contact the Diamond Mountain Casino at (530)252-1100.
SAVE THE DATE! Octoberfest returns to the Lassen County Fairgrounds, September 16th for beer tastings, live music, games, contests, and more! Tickets will go on sale soon. Save the date and get ready to raise your steins for a hopped-up community celebration! For more information go to, www.lassencountyfair.org
The Benson’s Humble Homestead presents Lunch Time on The Farm Wednesday, September 23 from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Produce-Vendors-Petting Zoo-BBQ. Come play with us!!! Build a burger Bar, 20 vendors, petting pens, and maybe some cornhole. $25/Booth.
Susanville Symphony 9th Annual Concert on the Green, Sunday September 24th. Tickets will be available at the Lassen County Chamber of Commerce & Margie’s Book Nook or Call the Symphony Hotline at (530) 310-8111.
Lassen Family Services presents the 6th Annual CASA SUPERHERO 5K! Save the date for our 6th annual CASA Superhero 5K Fun Run! Saturday, September 30th General admission $20. This is a great reason to dress you and your kids up as your favorite superheroes. Stay tuned to our social media and website for more information coming soon!
Amy’s Corner presents Art in the Park from June to August at Memorial Park, 1201 North Street, Susanville. Limited to 30 seats per session. For more information or to register, go to www.amyscorner.art.
It's back!! The SECOND ANNUAL Lassen County Holiday with A Hero Ugly Christmas Sweater Golf Tournament!!! Saturday, October 7th, Tee Off at 8:30am. It will fill up/sell out!!! REGISTER TODAY!! This year-we are also offering prizes for best cart decorations for those that provide their own cart! IT WILL BE A PARTY for such a great cause!!! To register- scan the QR code online or click the following link: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSdn6hL5NJIJRg.../viewform
Save the date for Lassen Family Services 10th Annual Dancing for a Brand New Me! Saturday, October 21st & Sunday, October 22nd, Located at Veterans Memorial Hall. Visit our website for upcoming information, www.lassenfamilyservices.org such as when and where tickets will become available! If you would like to sponsor this event, please contact 530-257-4599. Dancing for a Brand New Me 2023 Sponsorship Level Benefits: $500 Sponsor Level - 4 admission tickets, Banner at the event, Recognition on program at event, 5 posts to Facebook & Instagram LFS, website post. $250 Sponsor Level - 2 admission tickets, 2 posts to Facebook & Instagram, LFS website post. $150 Sponsor Level - 2 admission tickets, 1 post to Facebook & Instagram. Dancing for a Brand New Me is a family friendly, fun event filled with live entertainment and yummy food! The funds raised from this event go towards supporting domestic violence survivors in our community.
Susanville Best of Broadway presents 2024 concert series The Broadway Renaissance Auditions. Saturday, October 28th, 10am-2pm & Sunday, November 5th, 12pm-4pm at the Susanville Veterans Memorial Hall. Featuring selections from: Rock of Ages, Cinderella, Something Rotten, The Lion King, Anastasia, Cabaret, Bye Bye Birdie. For more information go to, www.susanvillebestofbroadway.org.
In our community, Lassen College presents a unique opportunity to engage in various enriching discussions with their free lunchtime lecture series. The series takes place every Tuesday from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the Lassen Library District conference room on Main Street. These weekly, hour-long sessions delve into diverse topics ranging from practical skills such as writing effective professional emails and starting a small business, to crowd-pleaser topics including beekeeping and the mysterious world of spiders. They even cover critical issues like managing financial worries and cyber-awareness skills for the whole family. For a special treat, they also offer beginner and intermediate classes in AI with ChatGPT. All are invited to join these free, educational events. For more information, reach out to Annika Peacock from Lassen College Outreach at 775-567-9457 or via email at apeacock@lassencollege.edu. For information on upcoming topics, follow our facebook page: www.Facebook.com/LassenCollege. Join in, learn something new, and become a more engaged member of our Susanville community.
Join the fun with Bottle & Brush Art Bar for their New Summer Schedule for Trivia Night. We're moving to once-a-month schedule for Trivia Night for the next few months, starting in May. The second Thursday of each month we'll host Trivia Night for the brainiacs in the crowd. $5 a person, up to four people per team. For more information, contact (530)250-3701.
Join us for the Budgeting & More Life Skills Course. Every Monday 4:00pm-5:00pm, Located at Lassen Family Services, 1306 Riverside Dr. in Susanville. This week’s topic: Exploring Financial Literacy! An introduction to key terms in the financial world. Participants may join the course at any time! For more information, call (530)257-4599.
Calvary Kids Storytime, 450 Richmond Rd., Susanville, CA. Every Tuesday from 1pm-2pm. Bring your kids to a Safe, Peaceful place where they can be a kid. There will be two book reading groups, age 1-5 and 6-11. We will be reading biblical, moral, and outdoor books followed by a craft. Questions, call (530) 257-4833.
Body by Baker, Paulina Baker: Fitness Instructor. Classes are available every day; 6:00am- Yo-Got This (yoga/pilates style training), 8:00am- Connect Cre (core strength training), 10;00am- Golden Hour (functional mobility & agility training, 12:00pm- Strong Embrace (Mommy & Me mobility and agility training), 3:00pm Bakers Booty Blast (lower body weight strength training), 5:00pm- Zumba Strong (high intensity interval training).
Don’t forget to email (director@lassencountychamber.org & executiveassistant@lassencountychamber.com) with any upcoming events or swing by the Chamber Office at 1516 Main St. with any event posters!